
Our current Telehealth consultant is Mike Bereza, you can see his profile below and book an appointment to see him remotely via Zoom (no apps required) at the bottom of this page.

Mike Bereza

Mike Bereza is a pharmacist based in London UK. He runs Douglas Pharmacy and it the Managing Director of Voyager Medical. He holds an independent prescribing certification from Kings College London and specialises in neuropsychopharmacology.


Mike Bereza is fully verified by Voyager Medical. Below are the various checks we have performed.

Who?Description of RegulatorVoyager Check
GPhCThe GPhC is the regulator of pharmacists in the UK. More…Yes – Live
HubNetHubNet checks: DBS, CV, Passport, References. More…Yes – Live
StripeStripe is our payment provider. More…Yes – Live
VoyagerMoney back guarantee on purchase. More…Yes

Book an appointment.

To book an appointment with Mike is free all you need to do is pay a £5 appointment holding deposit which will be returned to you after the appointment. Simply select an available time from the list below, then fill out the details on the subsequent page. You will receive confirmation of the appointment by email and a link will be sent to you so you can easily join the session at the allotted time. To save time during the appointment, please take a moment to fill in this patient health history questionnaire.