
We specialise in the creation of digital health tools for front line healthcare professionals. The majority of the tools we create plug into our primary network which distributes to multiple classess of healthcare professionals in various multidisciplinary locations. Other peripheral services we offer include:

Medico-legal expert witness reporting

We have been recognised by the National Pharmacy Association as an expert witness in medico-legal cases as specialists in vaccination procedures, patient group directions and pharmacy independent prescribing. If you would like to know more, contact us.

Bespoke Pharmacy Team Training

Voyager Medical creates complete elearning LMS solutions to ensure training content works seamlessly across paper and digital formats as part of a blended, multi-format learning approach.

Online Prescribing

Voyager Medical designs the architecture of new services whilst Online Prescribing, is our preferred contractor to build core digital infrastructure. To date, Online Prescribing has created over 200 websites for pharmacies internationally, including the creation of prescribing algorithms augmented with AI. The core of the business focuses on marketing pharmacy services and driving traffic through their door by advertising novel services such as travel clinics and online doctor systems.

Pharmacist Migration

Pharmacist Migration was created as a response to the increasing globalisation of the pharmacy community. We recognised early on that movement of pharmacists is greatly restricted by national requirements and looked to simplify this process by offering one map which matches the country of origin to destination to the requirements of each migratory destination.

Network Access

In addition to the above services we maintain a network of over 40,000 healthcare professionals. For more information please see our Networks page.