October 25, 2018Digital Health Digital Pharmacy and Voice Assistants As of October 2018, this is what Alexa is used for… It would be interesting to see statistics from other devices such […]
October 20, 2018February 24, 2022Digital Health Community Pharmacy and Amazon in the UK This blog article has now moved to… https://onlineprescribing.com/community-pharmacy-and-amazon-in-the-uk/
October 18, 2018Digital Health Pharmacists are accessible experts in medicine. Over the past few years, there has been a lot of news surrounding the availability of Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) such as Epipen. My […]
March 26, 2018December 13, 2018Digital Health A Digital Pharmacy Revolution. Times are changing. Efficiencies brought by digitisation of healthcare will have repercussions we can only partly imagine. Much like the candlestick maker […]